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U.S. Presidents

A "puppet" that says the same things as the previous presidents before him just to appeal to the public, and never actually follows through on most of these "promises", because the media is too busy eliminating our long-term memories.

Joe: Haven't you noticed that the past eight U.S. Presidents have done nothing different when it comes to foreign policy or energy?

Scott: Shhh...I'm watching the news.

by tylerdurden89 June 29, 2010

17๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cold Water Extraction

A Cold Water Extraction, or CWE for short, is primarily used to separate tylenol from opiate-based pain-relievers because tylenol is known to be damaging to the liver in large doses, so CWE's are what you use when your doctor is a complete asshole and prescribes you weak pain medication. Opiates dissolve readily in cold water, while tylenol seeps to the bottom.

The CWE process goes as follows:

1. Crush up said pills (Vicodin, Percocets, etc.) into as fine of a powder as possible. You should be doing one CWE for no more than five pills at once.

2. Take about 150mL of water and bring it to a warm temperature--make sure it is not hot or the opiate will be destroyed and your efforts compromised. You should be able to stuck your finger in the water and hold it there comfortably. Think of about the same temperature as a heated pool.

3. Mix the powder in with the warm water and stir.

4. Put the glass in the freezer and let it chill for about 30 minutes.

5. Take it out and filter the water through a coffee filter into an empty glass. What you see in the bottom of the first glass in the freezer when you first take it out is the APAP. If you're doing a CWE, you don't want that, so filter through a coffee filter. Pour carefully and slowly. Make sure you have the coffee filter secured.

6. Lastly, to speed up the process, gently squeeze the coffee filter to empty any remaining water into the glass.

And you're done. The result is a slightly cloudy mixture, but will taste bitter.

Perform a Cold Water Extraction on that shit bro.

by tylerdurden89 March 1, 2011

979๐Ÿ‘ 286๐Ÿ‘Ž


ABW = All Be Warned. Another catchphrase made popular by the followers of Charlie Sheen, who is still winning.

The warlock is on the prowl, abw.

by tylerdurden89 April 15, 2011

6๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž