A term used during the US reality television show Big Brother to describe the many ailments, lies, and claims made by contestant Raven Walton.
Fellow houseguest Paul asks 23-year-old Raven Walton what her GPA was in college, and she replies, dance! Other Raven Tales include she has rough kneecap syndrome, and she regularly gets them shaved down. But her bones are disintegrating as well as her cartilage. Raven has also been diagnosed with Raven's Disease, which makes your hair follicles stop growing. She is the only person that has it, besides a family in Sweden. She also has endometriosis; oddly, for her, it causes a rash on all of her organs. She has hyperthyroidism, but the medicine she needs to take would kill her. She also has arthritis; using a Q-tip makes her cough, has an inverted spine, one ovary smaller than the other, and has had her colon removed. Through all this, prior to going on Big Brother, she was scouted for the Olympics but decided to go on Big Brother instead.