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A person who does not lie, cheat, or deceive. whose intentions are pure and unspiteful, who is tolerant of all other races, creeds and religions.
a believer in God and the day of judgement, who by no means forces his religion on others, nor is he self-righteous or hypocritical.

a muslim is a person who learns to master his demons, and becomes an honest, upright person who brings nothing but happiness to those around him. one who submits himself to goodness and kindness, and one who can look in the mirror and see someeone worth looking at.

how many such 'muslims' do we know today?

The Prophet Muhammad said: The best among you is he who wants for his brother, what he wants for himself.
and again: a muslim is one from whose hands and tounge other people are safe.

by unending May 2, 2009

118👍 794👎