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1) The Balladeer: No. 6 of the Fatui Harbingers. Later on known as The Wanderer.
Also, the guy I will not hesitate to brutally tear apart; the guy's face that I will not hesitate to bash until it looks like a clump or red meat; the guy I hate so much that my hatred for him goes beyond the stars and universe - growing at a faster rate than the universe's expansion. The size of the universe cannot and will never compare to my immense and burning hatred for him. I will forever want to disorientate his facial proportions until I can't recognise his proportional, proper and amazingly unnatractive face. Hell, his unproportional face probably looks far better than his actually proportional one. I would even purposely aim a knife at his jugular and penetrate his larynx so that I could shut him up - the best part about it is that I wouldn't even hear his last dying words as he'd sputter out blood and I'd watch in immense pleasure.

2) A stock clown character of the 16th-century commedia dell'arte.

"Scaramouche is so cool!"

"Scaramouche? He's literally the ugliest character I have ever laid my eyes on. That large hat makes him look like even more of a miniscule under-aged gremlin and I bet he'd probably say something like: 'The hat stays on during s-'"

"Dude, I was referring to the OTHER Scaramouche...geez."

"Oh bro, my bad..."

by unitzero November 22, 2022

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