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Racist White Boy. A white boy who is racist; he started off not knowing the deeper social implications of his humor as he learned about stereotypes at a young age through jokes. As he got older and started using these learned jokes himself, he found people hated what he said. He realized that stereotype-based jokes hurt people's feelings. However, his first interactions involving racism and stereotypes were so sugar-coated and fun for him that he's not going to change his sense of humor, no matter how many people it hurts or pisses off. Plus, they're all just triggered SJW snowflakes that he'll see in the next Feminist Cringe Compilation, so what's the point?

RWB also stands for Red, White, and Blue, which are the colors of the greatest country in the world, which he'll die for.

Bonus points if these are his initials.

Jake screamed "based" to fill the awkward silence after Garret asked if the teacher would stop assigning homework and "just go back to the country you came from". From then on, the class knew that they were RWBs.

by urbandickshunfairy December 22, 2020

2👍 2👎

Alexandria’s Genesis

Internet disease that isn’t real:

Alexandria’s Genesis-Purple Eyes

Φ Clear, silver-like purple eyes (after 1st birthday; deepen in color until onset of puberty)
Φ No facial or body hair growth beyond what was already there at birth
Φ Dark brown or black hair
Φ Shimmering white skin that resist tanning and burning
Φ Lack of menstruation cycle (in women)
Φ Highly evolved immune system (has been known to resist every disease known to man so far)
Φ Appear 5-20 years younger (after the age of 21, the aging process slows down greatly; it stops completely between the ages of 40-50)
Φ Long life span (ranges from 130-170 years)
Φ Perfect vision
Φ Never overweight (their metabolism prevents the gaining of too much fat a.k.a., partial lipodystophy)
Φ Well-developed and proportioned bodies
Φ Found mainly in women of Euro-American descent
Φ Women are the primary carriers of the mutation
Φ Children born from mothers with the mutation are also carriers
Φ Mutation remains active generation after generation
Φ Mutation grows stronger generation after generation

Source: blasianninjagoespow.tumblr.com

Person wearing purple contacts: I have Alexandria’s Genesis.

Everyone: no that’s fake

by urbandickshunfairy March 18, 2021