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Acronym for Dumb Ass Sway Mode.

An individual that is so faded from alcohol intake that tactical movements, thoughtful acts, accurate judgements, speech clarity, diction, appropriate voice tone, manners, respect for woman and animals, balance, proper hygene, equilibrium, logic, and the ability to locate, open and apply proper contraception to one's nozzle prior to intercourse are completely foreign concepts to the individual.

Dasm "I cant believe he went down on Tina. I'd personal rather do lines of your grandma's menstral cycle than be in the general vicinity of that rancid orifice! Dasm

"Yo ... he was DASM!"

Dasm "Makes sense then"

by urbannozzler June 12, 2010

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to thrust one's manhood into the anal or oral orifice of another male. STRAIGHT UP. PERIOD.!!!!!!!!!!!!

You would be the one to tweet out of all the people i know.

by urbannozzler April 2, 2009

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A situation in which a female has a disproportional amount of torso compared to her lower trunk. She is short-legged and walks with an awkward swagger.It is immediately obvious to the onlooker that her obtuse walking manner is due to her elongated torso or More-so.

Trinity is like mad fine but I can't get over the fact that she is a more-so. I just don't think a more-so no matter how good looking could ever get me to nut without the aid of premium grade pornographic visuals.

by urbannozzler May 20, 2009

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A sheer overwhelming amount of bonchial surface area. ---May also be used to indicate the presence of bonch or "bonch-like" particles, oils, cells, follicles, extracts, hairs or aromas.
---A perpetual visitation of the bonchal region by one's genitalia, oral orifice, or semenal discharge splatter.

--A mutated or roided up skin patch or bonch dermis; Any taint hair and/or taint folicles at which bonch hair has or had the capacity to emerge.

Pretty much any contact with a bonch, or multiple bonch-i. would allow for one to suggest that the event be deemed a "bonchapalooza"

Until last Monday, I had know idea how Jessica felt about Naomi. Let's just say Jessica was not fazed by her dedicated involvement in the Bonchapalooza!

by urbannozzler August 3, 2009

pill incubator

A down ass girl willing and wanting to hold and incubate your crew's pill stash in her private parts in order to get past security undetected at a rave or club.

Yo your girl is chill as fuck! She is a pill incubator. Her incubation last night was a clutch maneuver for us. I don't know what we would have done without her skills! I think I'm in love.

by urbannozzler March 30, 2009

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Soft Dogg

When an opportunity arises for a non self made, wealthy yet highly sheltered individual with low to medium extroverted qualities fails to capitalize on an inebriated female who to other on-lookers obviously wants to be infiltrated by his nozzle regardless of his shortcomings as a human being.

Yo Brandon was a total Soft Dogg last night. Trinity was faded and totally wanted dick! I wish that fool would step his game up!

by urbannozzler March 19, 2009

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A state of mind so chemically altered, twacked, thrashed up and sleep deprived that ones self and fellow on-lookers would be led to believe that one has lost all touch with reality, yet one is completely and utterly aware, on point, and charismatic and this is brilliantly showcased through each flawless thought stream, every epic verbal diatribe, and an infinite series of highly tactical maneuvers performed with fluidity and grace.

Sam: "You have been partying for a while Jack, but you seem hella on point with no signs of slowing down!"

Jack: "Obviously. Im Sophistifaded... Wanna drive cross country?"

Sam: "Only if you are driving."
Jack: "Obviously"

by urbannozzler June 12, 2010

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