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A modern-day cultured witch doctor who administers drugs and other "cures" for mental conditions which more often than not only alleviate a patient's symptoms mildly or at the very worst damage and cause irreparable harm to their brains. Most seem to be nihilistic misanthropes who are primarily concerned with their paychecks and the daily quota of Big Pharma untested drugs they can sell to misinformed and desperate people. In privacy, many of them likely sacrifice kidnapped children to evil spirits which ensures the continuation of their rotten and dehumanizing stranglehold on the psyches of those who have often times been subjected to quite enough pain and suffering in their lifetimes. The entire "science" of psychiatry has dark ties to the elitist-backed philosophy of eugenics, which is obsessively focused on ridding the world of those people which are genetically "unfit" by the ruling classes' own godless standards. All around psychiatry is mostly a gigantic demonic sham and legal drug-pushing designed to rob willing victims of their money and remaining sanity and brain power.

Uninformed depressed person: "I'm seriously considering making an appointment with a local psychiatrist and getting on some antidepressants and maybe some electroshock therapy. This dark cloud just won't pass over me."

Informed friend: "Let that be your very last resort! A huge majority of the antidepressants contain fluoride compounds that basically anesthetize your brain and accumulate as toxins in your nerve tissue. Electroshock therapy literally damages your brain in order to "heal" it. Get better nutrition, more exercise, sunlight, clean air, rest, and love in your life first. Confide in a truly caring and well-trained therapist. Call me when you feel the need to chat! Avoid financially supporting the snake oil doctors at all costs!

by vegan87 September 13, 2011

147πŸ‘ 96πŸ‘Ž

Mommy Dearest

A term of irony used for a very self-serving mother with very little inherent nurturing instinct and often a victim of psychosis and/or bipolar disorder. Her ugly and abusive behaviors often include but are not limited to: name calling, tyrannical micromanaging, violent rages, insensitivity, blaming her mistakes on everyone else, extreme vanity, envy of her childrens' talents disguised as "constructive" criticism, and a propensity towards often having a very phony and pleasant public facade. Joan Crawford was the prime example of such a mother.

Child #1: My mom grounded me for not making decent grades this quarter. She's an evil witch!

Child #2: Mommy Dearest is so distracted with her ego and ambitions that my grades only cross her mind when she remembers that they are going to reflect on her public image. THAT's evil witch dummy.

Child #1: Touché!

by vegan87 August 30, 2011

135πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž