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Sentences that when using specific words can be assumed to define all possible definitions of those given words as far as the whole context of the sentence.

Here is an infinidefinitive. They all had an equal (share) in the (stock), but it was sure to grow and prosper for generations to come.

by vilignoble January 11, 2011


friends, can someone please count the number of times the word friends was used?

mccain's apalin campaign

by vilignoble March 13, 2011

9👍 25👎


Names of people based on regular words that mean other things and relate their story back to the meanings of their name.

Her is some Nameplay. Rusty Fender, Loo Sypher Plumbing, Karen Alotta.

by vilignoble January 11, 2011


To get brainwashed by a bunch of hillbillies.

I don't remember anything from last night, after the three jug solo I think I got brainwarshed.

by vilignoble June 11, 2017


A sawed off shotgun.

Let me get my saudi and you can kiss your ass goodbye.

by vilignoble January 23, 2016

6👍 52👎


A hard hitting tweet.

He's been up all night twacking.

by vilignoble June 5, 2017


A hard hitting tweet

He's been up all night twacking

by vilignoble June 5, 2017