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A city in the North West of England. It is culturally diverse, has a thriving commercial side, nightlife is second to none and full of welcoming, fun people. It is hated by scousers (liverpudlians), mainly due to their narrow world view. The Manchester music scene is very much alive and happening now. The city is welcoming at all hours. This is the only city which deserves Capital of Culture status in the North West.

I had to wait for 3hrs for a connecting coach at 2am one morning in Manchester. The city was crowded, buzzing and there was a great atmosphere, if I could have I would have missed my connection and joined in the fun.

by vintage62 June 13, 2006

85👍 286👎


Cesspit of a town in North West England

This place stinks. Its the home of the chemical industry and believe me it shows. To be 20 in Runcorn is to act 60. Small minded, racist, scum are all I ever encountered and its full of scousers. Without a doubt home to the fattest people in the UK and the loosest women. Unemployment is rife and people will do anything for a few pounds. Horrible, horrible place.

by vintage62 June 9, 2006

50👍 61👎


A city full of obnoxious self important morons.

In 2 hrs at Lime Street station I was asked for money three times, cigarettes 3 times, and if I wanted to buy drugs - once. On a night out in Liverpool my girlfriend and I left by taxi because of the atmosphere, it was the same as you get just before a war. We went to Manchester - great place, great people, fabulous time.

Walking through liverpool after the Football teams triumphant return was like walking through an end of the world scenario. Shop windows were smashed, litter was ankle deep,cars had been overturned. You couldn't pay me enough to go back. Fence it off and nuke it.

by vintage62 June 9, 2006

133👍 241👎