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An argument based on a pathetic hypothesis. Generally by argumen (sic). Something simply not raisinable (sic).

Sure there'd be a shortage of pork if pigs could fly: That's hypathetical.

by vivauganda April 30, 2013

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10 hours per day, 7 days a week.

Useful for an invisible job - like writing or e-selling from home.

Most people get annoyed when I tell them I may be a writer and working from home but I work damn hard - like 10/7.

by vivauganda December 22, 2010

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An ostensibly objective discussion whose soon-revealed purpose is to undermine someone/someone's genuine efforts, with invectives galore.

The professors went after their peer's paper with words blazing. It was a disgussion fest - disgusting and concussion-inducing.

by vivauganda December 22, 2010

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A person who sends derogatory e-messages on blogsites behind the curtain of anonymity

He's just an e-nonymous person. A e-mouse even, ignore him.

by vivauganda June 12, 2011


A person who will churn out 600 words on any subject against a payment.

He'll write fast, for or against as per your wish, for cash. Just a writerpreneur.

by vivauganda June 2, 2019

periodic full attention

It's effectively more or less synonymous with Constant Partial Atention.

So much to do, man, all you can do these days is give CPA to all of them. That way at least everyone gets periodic full attention (PFA).

by vivauganda April 3, 2011


Like blasphemy, except the offence is against a rock star/band who have reached god-like stature.

You mean you don't like Mick Jagger, as in the Rolling Stones? You're so 1950s. They are a blast and you... you...musicneanderthal, you just committed a blastfemy and may your iPod be invaded by Neil Diamond songs.

by vivauganda January 20, 2011

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