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Builds Character

A term many working classes and deeply religious people use to have an impressionable and coddled young person experience something unpleasant or humiliating, usually hard labor, something embarrassing, or confinement. Results usually end up either having the person's spirit broken or ending up with being just as much of an asshole as the person enforcing it.

Flipping burgers builds character

by waspcoloredstain April 29, 2015

7πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Asperger's Syndrome

A hot new label that has been out for the past 15-20 years describing a person, usually a boy of school age, that is physically and socially awkward, lacking common sense, has trouble making friends, has obsessive interests that are trivial to most people, and blackballed from the general populace. In the past, many were described as a spaz, reject, goofy, or incompetent.

Asperger's Syndrome

by waspcoloredstain June 10, 2013

32πŸ‘ 76πŸ‘Ž

Generation Z

Children born between the mid-1990's to 2010. The youngest ones are starting elementary school and the oldest ones have been out of high school only a couple of years. They are the sheltered and lifeless spawn of Generation X and early Generation Y'ers that have never known a world without internet and cell phones, America at war with the Middle East, had their parents monitor them even worse than Y'ers, rode in car seats until they were 9 and never in the front seat of cars until they were 10, most go to college even though most high school age kids of this generation can barely read or write or find their own home state on a U.S. map, their music is pretty manufactured and unimaginative, food allergies very commonplace because they've had vaccinations for every disease known to mankind and spend most of their times indoors, unstructured playtime is almost unknown with play dates arranged by their mom's, playground equipment is all plastic with a foam ground underneath, and many are generally bored despite the nonstop use of electronic devices.

Generation Z came of age after 9/11

by waspcoloredstain May 3, 2015

133πŸ‘ 202πŸ‘Ž

Soccer Mom

A white middle or upper-middle class woman in her mid-20's to mid-40's with the following characteristics:

1. Her children usually have names like Zachary, Tyler, Kaitlin, Hannah, Hailey, or Dylan
2. Husband is a rather bland person that works as a family practice doctor, attorney, computers, selling pharmaceuticals, or other office drone.
3. Her children are always enrolled in at least 2 activities such as ballet, hockey, skiing, softball, and of course, soccer.
4. Favorite hobbies that don't involve her kids usually include drinking Starbucks, shopping at Kohl's or Old Navy, or gossiping with friends
5. Favorite restaurants are usually Chik-Fil- A, Taco Bell, Red Robin, and Chili's
6. Religious preference is usually Southern Baptist or Nondenominational Megachurch
7. They live primarily in California, Texas, Florida, Atlanta, D.C., Colorado, or Arizona suburbs
8. Vehicles driven are usually mid or large SUV's, Suburban's, or hatchbacks
9. Her children are either home schooled or attend a private or charter school
10. Her children are not allowed to watch PG-13 or R-rated movies, play any video games not rated E, play outside unattended, browse the internet without parental controls, or have contact with any adults outside of family, teachers, or coaches

Soccer mom

by waspcoloredstain June 14, 2013

864πŸ‘ 89πŸ‘Ž


A once borderline cult within Christianity that has made its way into the suburban middle-class mainstream. Their doctrine of salvation is rather contradictory, unlike the Baptists, because they believe in accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior AND living righteously to get into heaven., rather than salvation by grace alone.


by waspcoloredstain June 10, 2013

14πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž


A once true conservative party that was made up of well-mannered, genteel, decent people that believed in a small government, total freedom of speech, an America that you could be what you wanted through hard work and determination, and opposition to slavery. Today, the majority are racist white Protestant assholes with money that get wealthy through shady business practices, watch Fox News, or common blue-collar workers with closed minds that still wave the American flag, love their guns, hate homosexuals, and are perfectly okay breaking their back working for pennies.

Barry Goldwater was an example of a true Republican!


by waspcoloredstain July 1, 2013

6πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


A ridiculous looking plug many young guys put in their holed earlobes and stretch them. And another reminder of how I can't stand Generation Y'ers.


by waspcoloredstain September 18, 2013

4πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž