A prison where teachers and staff claim to teach your kids but instead brainwash children and teens and force feed them food cheaper than socks off of craigslist. Not only that they give tests with concepts that the class hasn't ever touched upon. Teachers use that tactic to knock your kids done to grades such as F's and give parents/guardians the ability complain about grades and punish their kids. That teacher will never be caught.
Mom: (looks at test) AN F!? YOUR PUNISHED
Kid: (crying) M-mom! My teacher never taught us that!
Kid: ( goes up to room) I HATE SCHOOL!
This weird old phone people in 1738 used to use
Idiot : Bro im gonna text everyone my nudes on my blackberry phone
Idiot #2 :Bro even veronica?
Idiot: Even veronica ( with a perv face)
An elite sport which must have athletes capable of holding 100 pounds 15 feet up the air. You can not be afraid of heights, falling objects, and strict coaches. My oh my what a wonderful sport...Unless that is your literally Cheerleader (Cheerleading for the towns youth football team.) What an embarrassment.
Daughter: Mommy, can I join the cheerleadingteam?
Mom: which one. The one with the people throwing each other or embarrassing one?
Daughter: The one where you throw each other.
Mom: Phew!
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