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An african american who is steryotypically defined as living in the "hood", engaged in criminal activity, wears clothing that is too large to fit properly, and speaks in a rough inner city dialect. Not to be confused with normal african americans or black people who make up the rest of decent society along with their caucasian, asain and, middle eastern counterparts. The niggers counterpart in the white race for example is "white trash" (see def. for white trash) The comic Chris Rock made the statement "There are black folks and and then there are niggers"

White male one: "look at th niggers, they are bad"
White male two:"no he/she is just a black person, the same as you or I"
White male one:"but he/she is colored"
White male two:"that may be but he/she is a brain surgeon, color does not matter"
White male one:"so youre saying that the quality of person matters, not skin color"
white male one:"exactly"

by wearealljustpeople December 5, 2010

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