Source Code


n. bint, bit of a.

You've got yourself a Baroness, right there.

by wench September 1, 2004

11👍 8👎


some queer cunt from sydney australia :)

<SuperMarine> i am a queer cunt from sydney

by wench October 17, 2003

6👍 12👎

dirty girl

one who does not bathe , shower or cleanse herself.. often does not wash the hair.. has a stench about her.. and wears dirty clothes

HEy she's a dirty girl

by wench April 27, 2004

17👍 55👎

fornicating the canine

inserting of the penis into the poches rectum..... what many of my co-workers do for a living .........can you dig

She is fucking the dog (fornicating the canine)

by wench April 27, 2004

16👍 27👎


means you completely pwnd the other team and r rubbing it in their faces

"i R 1337... gg"
"like yo bitch that wernt no gg"

by wench March 10, 2004

7👍 29👎


some 1 who is extremely batty

"richard brick is such a battieghei"

by wench March 10, 2004