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Moroccan adjectif describing a person with very few intellectuality and a general bad taste. Usually proceeding from beyond the mountains and dedicates his life to wayway music, lhem berqoq and catcalling girls that never respond to him.
Usually appears in city center at weekends along with his equally Hergaoui friends and has long mindfucking conversations with moul taxi byed.
Lifespan : 80-120 yrs (very hard to exterminate)
Strengths : genuinly doesn’t give a shit -causing general discomfort.
Weakness : understanding basic public guidelines and following them

Bruh them shoes make you look hergaoui af
Heyd 3lina hed diasc dyal hergawa
Hergaoui lakhour, kaydir rouz flkhobz

by whatupdocc February 11, 2022

2👍 3👎

Housewife syndrome

The state of desperation and depression built up when small uncotrollable unpredictable details go to shit, disappointing therefore the expectations of the affected individual.

- “ I really wanted us to wear matching t-shirts and lipsync to my instagram story, i’m gonna kill myself now…”
-“ Relax babe u just have housewife syndrome”

by whatupdocc January 11, 2025


Just a random group of mf’s with no objectif in life usually planning to do go stupid shit

“ Dreri let’s go to Mya”

by whatupdocc February 2, 2023


The greatest moroccan soda you can possibly drink. It is the taste of your childhood, the taste of summer, the taste of beautiful memories ❤️

“Chi hawaii baaaarda”

by whatupdocc February 2, 2023


To be so charmed, dazzled and bewitched that your capacity of logic and reasoning is significantly lowered.

To be so high on Oxytocin and Endorphins, that your mind and body are temporarily retarded, and your defense systems weakened and paralized.

- “Did you really forget our plan to go to Albufera and La Diva yesterday?”
- “Yeah sorry i’ve been caramelized all day”

- “Did you seriously give that bich our Netflix and spotify account?”
- “ Sorry man, she caramalized me?”

by whatupdocc February 24, 2024


Moroccan word describing the scary ugly dark man you see when you wake up suddenly at night and can’t move

“ Bro last night chedni boghtat , i couldn’t move so i spit on him”

by whatupdocc February 2, 2023


A word designating a moroccan girl carrying alot of emotional baggage and of unusual behavior, plays hard to get but really is just wildly insecure . Craves attention and at the same time scared of the spotlight. Literal translation of the word is “salty”.

-“Bruh why this bitch so contreversial?”
Yeah that’s mostly cause she’s Mal7a
-“ These moroccan girls be exotic as hell man”
Well becareful some of them are Mal7a’s

by whatupdocc January 26, 2023