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man made genital spice.

sue: this spag bol is wonderful darling.

dave: yeah, the secret is getting the right balance between onion flavour & nutsmeg.

by will6691 November 15, 2012

55πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


a woman who pretends to have an epileptic fit to get out of a difficult situation

chelsea a teacher, is in a relationship with gareth, an accountant

Chelsea: (on phone) OMG i got caught having it away with andy last night

friend: OMG what happened, did he throw you out?

chelsea: gareth? no, i pulled the old epitarting on him, he promised to take me to paris next weekend, the fucking mug

by will6691 November 20, 2011

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


ancestors who are male

"I can trace back six generations of aunts, but their husbands, my mancestors are missing...."

by will6691 November 20, 2011


engltish denotes a person from the british isles, with one parent from england and one parent from scotland

the united states embassy in london
vias enquiries.

clerk: sir, you will need a visa to enter united states territory, engltish and british visas are valid for one year.

by will6691 December 16, 2011

burka bathing

bathing in shorts & baggy t shirt to conceal obesity.

mandy: i'm taking the kids swimming after school why don't you come too, be fun. they allow burka bathing.....i checked.

jane: erm, what makes you think i burka bathe?

mandy: erm, your 50 inch hips....

by will6691 December 11, 2013

like lackey

a facebook friend who's only there to like your status

graham, a like lackey to zach, who's importantly popular

zach's update status: i love people to love my shit

graham likes this

by will6691 November 17, 2011


World peace brought about by pacifist administrations of east and west occupying office simultaneously

A state of Calmageddon would be as catastrophic to defense industry billionaires as the biblical Armageddon would be to the rest of humanity

by will6691 September 4, 2017