The guy/girl on the top, YO I LIKE YOUR DEFINITIONS
And others too ofc
I am bored
I like GIFs
no reason
uurrbbaann ddiiccttiioonnaarryy is urban dictionary
Important for grade 10 people like me. I'm supposed to be studying.
We have assemblies so long with the songs and poems and speeches and pledges.
We have a whole ocean to study except when I'm in the exam I remember my water bottle which is obviously...empty.
Not conceptual. We gotta memorise.
"Yo, you in CBSE?"
"Yeah, bud"
"Damn I ain't talking about studies sorry"
3👍 1👎
Oooh~ I woh leh you goooo
Oooh~ I woh leh you goooo
Nobody wanna see us together but it don't matter, nooo 'cuz I got you
You to your PlayStation amidst your exams: Nobody wanna see us together but it don't matter, nooo 'cuz I got you
Sidra is a girl's name. She is a girl, actually. She may be between a tomboy and girly-girl. Perfectly balanced!
She plays videogames and uhhh she may be an ambivertextrovert when texting and introvert irl.
Idk man she goes on personality. Sidra's are great sistersð Can I add an emoji lol
Fatima: Hey, What's your name?
Sidra: It's Sidra.
Fatima: Wait what? BE MY FRIEND.
6👍 1👎
Idk If I'm supposed to be happy or sad.
It's 2021
And I was studying for Boards in April, it's still April ik
And it's Ramadan alright
So I was kinda struggling okay?
Then this news comes up "CBSE cancels Board exams for grade 10"
I mean if it wasn't cancelled then I would've studied while fasting
And it's not just about fasting right so
Anddd it's cancelled and they said they'll promote us on the basis of our internal assessment marksð
Well, I hope they just enter my Pre-boards marks because I'm confident in that
Even though I only got my English paper
Reminds me to check my g-mail
The gif I think is supposed to praise itself while there's a fire going on? idk
me: yo, Boards are cancelled
person: are they?
me: yes
person: *ok*
me: not for you