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Great at cricket and is a great soul. Has a lot of friends. Loves math plays the trumpet

Adithya is so cool I wanna be him

by wondercool July 15, 2019

6👍 12👎


Gay and calls people idiot

tarkshika Said: Adithya is an idiot

by wondercool June 30, 2019

1👍 2👎


Nithilan is a strong, smart, and funny person also good at sports. A Nithilan is usually cool and awesome and also friendly. He is usually in charge of important things and usually has a high social status.

Nithilan is so cool

by wondercool May 22, 2019

13👍 2👎


Smart Boy
Caring and handsome
Name of lord muruga

Hail lord vishak your ruler

by wondercool June 15, 2019

25👍 4👎


Smart and sexy

I want a Dave man

by wondercool June 15, 2019

5👍 3👎