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Preet, A sound my cat made once. This quote my cat made has become more or less a word that means cool. When something is Preet it's either cool or neat. Also it's a random kick around word when you feel you need to say something random.

Me-"Holy crap! That should be a

2.Man that's so preet it's downright keen!

by woogy January 4, 2005

134πŸ‘ 140πŸ‘Ž


Mostly crappy rock music. It's Japanese rock music hince the J for Japanese. Most of the "singers" dress like women and follow the 70's glam rock idea. Although the music not lyrics are alright most of the lyrics when translated into english or even read in Japanese don't make sence. It's about as coharent as J-Rap and equaly bad.

Otaku-Oh my god J-rock is soooo much better then American or British rock!

Me-Japan is behind the times when it comes to rock and Japan should make their own style rather then steal it.

by woogy January 6, 2005

114πŸ‘ 287πŸ‘Ž


Started a online fad of epic proportions. Just when you thought Numa Numa Dance was big, a World of Warcraft guild makes a video *staged or not dosent matter* that made everyone laugh. The video has a group
raiding some place and the guild is planing raid this one room that gave them probs in the past. As the raid is about to start a player in the group by the name "Leeroy" jumps up says his name and causes tons of monsters to kill his group. After everyone is dead and everyone is pissed at Leeroy he respons with the epic words "Atlest I have chicken."

Leeroy Jinkins in doing so became a internet star, but at the cost of never being able to play as Jeeroy again, being people will flood him with PM's and mail.

Leeroy-"Alright chums lets do this!

Other player-"Oh my god he just ran in..."

*later on*

Some player-"Leeroy you're just stupid as hell..."

Leeroy-"Atlest I have chicken."

by woogy June 2, 2005

633πŸ‘ 264πŸ‘Ž


A fun game played in Japan!

Everyone who loves Japan should play this game!

by woogy April 22, 2005

155πŸ‘ 108πŸ‘Ž

Gwen Stefani

Lead singer in No Doubt, chose to go solo and sell out even more by trying to make crappy hip hop/pop music. Has a strange obsession with Japanese Harajuku girls, even though the real Harajuku girls in Tokyo only dress like that on the weekends because they live in a conformist country. Upon asking a few Japanese exchange students at school they said that she seems like a asshole and she is trying to build a fan base in Japan even though Japanese people donҀ™t really care for her.

Gwen Stefani- See wapanese/Japanaphile

by woogy May 19, 2005

1903πŸ‘ 983πŸ‘Ž


Makers of the Ever and more popular then Final Fantasy "In japan" Dragon Warroir/Quest games. When these games come state side most of the time they are not looked at because of the old school look and the fact people want 30 hour RPG's like Final Fantasy or just want Final Fantasy because it is just that. Enix has had a long history in making quality RPG's.

Enix merged with Square a few years back. Kind of a bad thing being Square will try to drag them into the dirt somehow and make their Final Fantasys look great.

Who knows what the future holds for Enix really...all I hope for is Dragon Warrior to come state side.

If you want a true 100 hour RPG that dose not let up nor have half hour FMV's look into Dragon Warrior.

by woogy April 9, 2005

49πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


Statues of this deity are already prominent in Japan by the 7th century. By the 9th century, Miroku Bosatsu becomes extremely popular among believers of the Shingon Sect, a form of Esoteric Buddhism. Founded by Kobo Daishi (774 to 835 AD), the Shingon sect believes that, far in the future, the Miroku Bosatsu will become a Nyorai (Buddha), and then appear on earth to save those unable to achieve enlightenment. Even today, Shingon followers are awaiting Miroku's return, scheduled to occur about 5.6 billion years from now.

Miroku Bosatsu - Hakuhou Period, Treasure of Kouryu-jiAccording to Buddhist lore, the Days of Dharma (Buddhist Law) are divided into three periods:

1. First phase lasts 500 years; called the Turning of the Wheel of the Law (itself a metaphor for teaching the way to enlightenment), it refers to the spread and acceptance of Buddhist philosophy

2. Second phase lasts 1,000 years; during this period the practice of the Law begins to deteriorate

3. Last phase lasts 3,000 years; during this period, no one practises the Law

In the very last period, Buddhism will weaken and fade, but a new Buddha will then appear to once again "turn the wheel of the law." This Buddha is Maitreya (Miroku). Technically speaking, Miroku is a Bosatsu who resides in the Tusita heaven -- the place where Bosatsu dwell before incarnation -- but Miroku is still considered a Buddha in light of his impending arrival. This explains why Miroku can be represented as either a Bosatsu or Nyorai (Buddha). Nonetheless, I am unsure why the modern-day Shingon Sect believes Miroku Nyorai will appear 5.6 billion years in the future. According to the timeframe set forth in the Days of the Dharma, isn't that supposed to be around 4000 AD?

In Japan, the majority of Miroku artwork depicts the Miroku Bosatsu -- not sure if this holds true outside Japan. Also, in Japan, the Miroku Bosatsu is mostly shown seated, with finger touching cheek, as if in deep meditation or musing, and the left ankle of the foot is resting atop the right knee. Both poses are seldom found for the other Nyorai and Bosatsu.

To help you differentiate between the Nyorai and Bosatsu versions of Miroku, just remember that Bosatsu statues are typically ornate, wearing crowns and jewelry and princely clothes. In contrast, statues of the Nyorai are typically unadorned and dressed in the simple robe of a monk. This guideline doesn't always work, of course, but in often yields a correct assessment of the deity.

Miroku is not a anime person, although he is in Inuyasha he is cooler as a buddhism deity.

by woogy May 29, 2005

110πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž