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Witness Protection Program: (W–P–P)

Verb: The act of hooking up with someone in secret, or with someone that you wouldn't want friends to know about. Synonym: Hollering.
e.g. (1) Jess, you didn't come out last night or return our calls, were you WPP?

Noun: The person that you are hooking up with in secret or that you wouldn’t want friends to know. Synonym: Special Friend.
e.g. (1) Michelle, does your WPP still have a girlfriend?

Adjective: Used to describe a situation, person or event in regards to hooking up in secret.
e.g. (1) Liz, tell me about the new WPP boyfriend.

Adverb: Similar to the adjective usage, this typically describes the act of how someone is being with their secret hookups.
e.g. (1) Monica, you need to stop being WPP with your ex-boyfriends.

see above for WPP examples based on part of speech

by wpp March 23, 2009

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