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A very modern, sophisticated, fashionable city in the United Arab Emirates. I'm pretty sure it's still second in population to Abu Dabhi, but its stunning architecture and economic power more than make up for that.

Dubai is a very wealthy place, and to be honest, the amount of money that goes in and out of that place- and more importantly, the kind of extravagant & pointless shit they spend it on- is just completely ridiculous.

I'd compare it to Miami of the middle east, with less old people I guess.

be warned though, UAE isn't as civilized as America or the UK & and some of there laws are still pretty lacking

There was a french boy who got raped on a beach in Dubai and tried to report it to the police, but HE got thrown in jail for illegal homosexual activity. That's fucked up, huh

by wtflolifigured April 14, 2009

39👍 31👎