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Columbia City Indiana

Im not from Columbia City, but I have lived here for the past 10 years. I think for the most part the people are very friendly and care about their neighbors.

There certainly are those who choose to gossip about their neighbors, however I find that the exception not the rule.
I believe this is a community that truly cares for its children, and elderly. There is relatively no crime, except for the meth heads. They prey on each other.. The police force are all professional nice folks that appear to be very caring and fair minded.

You could certainly pick apart any small town in America and advertise its faults. An example if the glass is half full or is it half empty?

I know that there are certainly much more difficult towns than Columbia City Indiana.

During this economic crisis in our country there are certainly those that lost jobs, however, new companies coming to our area offered employment with better pay and benefits withing 6 months.

by wurzburg1959 December 29, 2011

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