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most kickass place on earth. Rich white college kids? yeah go to roxbury or southie and see what happens bud. Boston is the place where milkshakes are frappes, turn signals are blinkas, and water fountains are bubblers. absolutley no one goes on the duck tours. Besides the north end, almost everyone here is irish. any smart person would know to stay the fuck out of dorchester/roxbury/mattapan. no one calls it beantown. some people fake a boston accent but you can tell right away. we only have the accents when we yell. boston is the place where kids call their ma.."ma". it's area code is 617. boston one of the most chill cities to be in. papa gino's and dunkins are the best places to be for food. home of the hoodsie cup...and 99% of the people you meet dont have the boston accent. like i said, only when we're pissed off.

no one from boston calls it beantown.

by x.Candy.x December 23, 2007

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