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Originally, opposition to the disestablishment of the Church of England, but in modern day, antidisestablishmentarianism means opposition to the belief that there should no longer be an official church in a country.

"Yo, whassup?"
"Do you realize that we are greatly afflicted by antidisestablishmentarianism in the year of 1865?"
"wha? ye, iz 2005, yo. Aw, but I dated that bitch anti when wez wa fightin in the city. Man, she waz fine. You met ha?"
"No, I was just reading a historical novella by Steve Martin. Turns out he's quite a writer."
"Whaever, ave gotta go meet anti 'gan. She waz so fine...cya, bitch, props!"

by xadorkable November 6, 2005

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