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Authoritarian democrats lost a democratic election fair and square to Donald Trump. Fucking get over it.

by xaneks February 12, 2017

66πŸ‘ 130πŸ‘Ž

Side Daddy

Something only cheating whores have. If you have a "side daddy" then you deserve the gas chambers.

Whore: I have a Side Daddy!
Dude she was trying to court: nope. Fuck this shit im out

by xaneks July 11, 2017

5πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Something a feminazi came up with to shame men for explaining what her fellow feminazis actually mean when they accuse someone of "mansplaining"

Normal person:What is mansplaining? Some cunt accused me of "mansplaining"
Me: Its when a feminist cunt wants to shut down the conversation immediately with childish shaming tactics
Feminazi called Ae5Ea8: Youre sexist for manmansplaining!
*i slap Ae5Ea8* Me: Shut the fuck up and take your totaliarian ideology elsewhere!

by xaneks November 20, 2016

34πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

Emperor's Hand

The hand of the holy God Emperor of mankind in the warhammer 40'000 universe

I fapped to a picture of the Emperor's Hand today. FOR THE EMPEROR'S GLORY!

by xaneks November 17, 2016

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Democrats trying to steal the election. Hillary leaking vital intel. Blatantly shitting upon the rights of citizens becuase theyre either white or male.

Thbe democratic party has exhibited VERY treason-ish behavior for over a decade now. Its time to oust all of them

by xaneks February 18, 2017

22πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž


Throwing up, calling ralph on the big white phone, puking.

Its an older term for this event and is still in use in the UK.

Johnson: Hey look! That guy is wretching over the balcony

George: He fucking wretched on my car!

by xaneks July 27, 2015

10πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Names section on urban dictionary

Pure cancer of urban dictionary. Despite it BEING AGAINST THE ToS people STILL use it as their edgy little burn book and a place to narccistically promote themselves and someone they are trying to get laid by. It's also the very reason that urban dictionary is so damned watered down these days with unfunny content. We have seen the slippery slope happen with urban dictionary and the names section is the cancer behind it

The Names section on urban dictionary is pure cancer

by xaneks January 12, 2016

50πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž