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punk rawk

the word the evil posers (AKA spawn of satan) use to besmirch the goodname of punk rock, bands like dead kenadys are real punk rock bands, not bloody avril lavigne or simple plan or good charlotte(who all just need to find a place to die). Also the girl who wrote the message above mine needs to be hit on the head with something very very heavy. (also i apolagise for my inhability to spell)

11 year old teeny bopper: Like omg! i just like bought the new avril lavigne album! IM SO PUNK RAWK!
Other 11 year old teeny bopper: Like omfg! me too! lets go put on our baby blue t-shirts that say PUNK in sparkly silver lettering, go down to Hot Topic and be punk together!
Me: please die, right now, i am not even joking

by xdarkeningdreamsx November 8, 2006

94👍 22👎


a highly overatted rapper who preached violence and thats probably what got him killed. he was never a particually good rapper (actually he was pretty damn shit), but now he is dead has become a sort of god for raplovers (much like kurt cobain-even though he was bloody awsome-has become a god for grungers)and it is bordering on creepy. none of his work is particually special or inspiriring or will change the world. 2pac was a drug taking arsecrap and to be honest the planet is better off without him.

im probably gonna get 1 thousand thumbs down for saying that, but i dont really give a shit.
o yeh: 2pac

by xdarkeningdreamsx December 3, 2006

55👍 212👎


the best friggin store on the damn planet!!!!!
i go there whenever i come to america!
we have a wal-mart in england (but its called asda) and its no where near as good!!

Wal-mart is the shit!

by xdarkeningdreamsx November 12, 2006

27👍 50👎