Source Code


Joel is a typical person who surrounds himself with the people he loves, typically a good singer and is a very good looking person, typically spending there time on fortnite but when his friends are there he pays attention to them then plays on his own, a person you can trust, and always there for people he care about! Loves snapchat and had a very lucky girl in his life, which she trusts him with everything! Get yourself a Joel

Example one:
Person 1: hey, you seem nice

Joel: I try my best

Person 1: you ain’t trying you are

Example two:
Person 1: who’s that over there

Person 2: you don’t know him? That’s Joel the greatest person alive.
Person 1: I need to get myself a Joel

by xhappinessisherex March 18, 2018

13👍 2👎


Friends are people that are important to you, you can share your inner most feeling with them... you can trust them and they can help you through your ups and downs, typically good friends are called;


Get yourself one of them and you’ll have mates for life...
Joel- a kindhearted person who will always be there for you through it all and they will protect you and really athletic.
Nathan- a nice soul you can turn to when your upset or ever need to rant because he’s always there for you and knows how to calm you down.
Kayleigh- kind, warm-hearted person who will be your best mate till the end, and you both have a lot in common.


Person 1: who are those 3 people

Person 2: oh there all her best mates who have never had a fallout

Person 1: damn I wish I had friends like that!
Person 2: same, she’s so lucky to have them 3.

by xhappinessisherex March 18, 2018