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antisocial distance

In the time of corona, a distance between individuals of LESS THAN six feet. In all other times, the inverse.

In the fight against corona-19, introverts are finding it easy to keep a social distance, while extroverts who by definition prefer to keep an antisocial distance are finding these times more trying.

by xollcok March 26, 2020

Freudian insertion

the intentional placement of what others may construe as a Freudian slip into conversation.

"Oh, Emily, I would never objectify you. You're my breast friend forever."

Note that "Freudian insertion" itself is a Freudian insertion; thus, it is reflexive and somewhat masturbatory in nature.

by xollcok May 22, 2009

10👍 1👎


the incessant influx of email perpetuated by family and relating to blah family events such as birthday well-wishing or inconsequential family dramas such as whose cupcake recipe most resembled grandma's.

I'm getting twenty bleeps a minute in my inbox from all this famspam wishing my one year old niece, who doesn't even have email mind you, a happy birthday.

by xollcok March 20, 2009

13👍 1👎


the question to the answer.

You're safe if you have the answer to the question, but it's Jeopardy when you have the question to the answer.

by xollcok January 26, 2010

44👍 14👎