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To get rid of, fling, or throw an entity very quickly. (Yeet, yeeted, Yurt, Yot, Yut, Yeetus, Yote, Ye-yeet)

I'm gonna YEET your spaghetti across the room.

Dan yeeted Carl, out of anger.

I yot/yeet/yeeted the ball

You finna ye-yeet that

Yeetus thine fetus

by xoxodumbassgorl March 13, 2019


A social media used to post typically aesthetic clips or photos which was ruined by scrunchie obsessed dumbasses who call themselves “vsco girls”

Person: Omg I got this app called vsco and it’s so cool
“Vsco girl”: omg vsco? Sksksk and i Oop i am so for that!

Person: Yea I post a lot of my photography on ther-

Vsco girl: and I oop- where’s your hydroflasksksksksk??

by xoxodumbassgorl September 9, 2019

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