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this person is always in a car. thank you

guy; hey let get in mckenna

you; WTF

by xxx._The_gurl_next_door_.xxx April 19, 2022

4👍 1👎

Mikey the soccer dad

Mikey is the absolute definition of a soccer dad there is no doubt about that. if you ever encounter a Mikey run! Mikey is also a drag queen..

Guy; Are you a soccer dad?

you: no I'm a Mikey the soccer dad

guy: oh

by xxx._The_gurl_next_door_.xxx April 20, 2022

1👍 1👎

Rachel the Celeb

Rachel is better then you remember that, she also likes to annoy Mikey the Soccer Dad and Ella THEE Serial Killer. She has had to survive these idiots for 20= years she is still spurred that Ella hasn't murdered her family yet.

You: I'm better ten you

Me: ya i'm Rachel the celeb everyone loves me

by xxx._The_gurl_next_door_.xxx April 21, 2022