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turning girls gay

when black women dont like big black pp its to big tyrone im gonna take the kids and bust

i took a porn hub pill then my pp shrunk to the size of a penne so my ROBLOX gf said i don't like your pp pics and then she recorded a porn hub vidow with another girl so thats the story of how i turned my 5 year old ROBLOX gf gay (im 50 so i turning 5 year old turning girls gay)

by y1uittywuyfuwguhg October 21, 2023

1👍 3👎


balls are contend in a sack witch is a nut sack containing purely seamen and period blood

honey why are your balls so black im going to play with your balls also im a guy i have a 18 inch cock sorry honey

by y1uittywuyfuwguhg October 21, 2023