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Is the baddest bitch around but doesn't like to show it. She cares for everyone except her self. She loves to see others strive and succeed even if it equals in her failure. She is a genuinely sweet and caring person the everybody loves, cherishes, and would die for. She is also the ULTIMATE OMEGA BEST FUCKING FRIEND IN THE UNIVERSE. She will always make you laugh when your crying or upset and will stand by your side through thick and thin as long as you don’t betray her. Now if that happens watch out cause her whole squad will pull up and her best friend plus others will kick your arse. She has a special love and bond that if taken away will leave a gaping hole in your heart that only a Lyra’s love could fill nobody else’s. So I’d advise you to keep them forever till death do you part even as best friends. But to the look of the Lyra’s they are DRIP DEAD GORGEOUS AND OVERALL STUNNING. Keep them please my warning.

Lyra’s don’t need an example they will do them BOO

by yagirlalw2363 April 4, 2020

16👍 5👎


Is the baddest bitch out there but she doesn't like to show it. She is genuinely a sweet and caring person that everybody loves and cherishes and will die for. She loves to see others succeed even if that means she fails and is so selfless is inhuman like. She is the ultimate omega best friend so if you ever have her never let her go. Never say goodbye to her or you’ll regret it for the rest of your life. This will cause you to always have a hole in your heart where no one but a Lyra can fill in because Lyra’s have a special type of love. NEVER EVER let their love go.

(P.S.*watch out for ya toes*)

Lyra’s need no example they are simply the most amazing important strong selfless person in the universe

by yagirlalw2363 April 4, 2020

9👍 4👎