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“Dude, I’m loaded with blight-fuse, and the bic’s flicked!!”

by yakrank September 24, 2020


Misbehaving with dyed-blonde hair when you aren’t naturally blonde.

A portmanteau of Gavrilo and Galvini, due to Rome’s penchant for blonde slaves visible in Classical Art, plus the suffix -face. Kinda like Black-face, also at odds with white supremacy.

“Bro, that spaz went full Galvrini-face on us!!!”

by yakrank September 24, 2020


A mad scientist who wants to take over the world and doesn’t respect diversity. Shocking, I know.

“Ever since that alien abduction, I’ve been punching myself on the kisser!!! Must have been a real Galvini!!”

by yakrank September 25, 2020


To get blitzed by numerology of the base-ten math, then tortured via an environmental debt.

“Hey bruh, you totally got Deck-Torched. Better phone Saul and inquire to bail out! FERNANDO.”

by yakrank July 16, 2022

Changin’ Gavrilo’s Oil

A Nordic person who pleases the establishment.

“Hey man, you used to get right ripped with us. Since you moved to the city, you’re Changin’ Gavrilo’s Oil, man!!!”

“Ah darn. You’ve totally caught me.”

by yakrank September 24, 2020