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back dick

idk what the fuck this means its some bullshit phrase

Choudh: im gonna be back home soon
AGP: back dick?

by yetsgooo May 28, 2024


YETS GOOO is a phrase that combines the words yes, and let's go. There is no apostrophe because apostrophes are for idiots. This word was derived from latin and ancient Greece back when they played clash royale and got a sweet King Tower activation. The king tower activation indicated that you now had the upper hand, and you would scream YETS GOOO.

Albert: "King Tower Activation, Nice!!!!"
George: "Fuck shit"
Albert: "YETS GOOO

by yetsgooo April 1, 2022


Battlecatspenis is a phrase many overlook. Imagine playing battle cats, specifically loach breach, then losing. That fucking sucks cock, and cock is another word for penis. That's why battlecatspenis is such a malleable word/phrase and can be used on so many occasions. It doesn't even have to be used in battle cats specifically, and that's the beauty of it. You can use it on a normal occasion, and anyone can use it, even 5 year olds! This phrase brings joy to the world and the next generation has been blessed with such an excellent phrase.

Jake: I'm so close to beating loach breach!
*Stage spawns 8 more big sales

by yetsgooo April 8, 2023

Nut Physics

Nut Physics is the physics of the nut. The true package. It makes you feel accomplished once you have learned about it and you become smart. Life comes and goes (pun intended), so you only have one chance to learn about nut physics. The physics of the nut is exquisite and it is an admirable field of research that can make you billions of dollars. Currently, nut physicists like snaggopal Sr. is studying how fire wizards use the power of the nut to attack.

Ash Ketchum: Yo did you see that attack Charizard used?

Misty: Hell yeah, that flamethrower was cool! The nut velocity was insane on that one! I'm an avid nut scientist.
Ash Ketchum: The fuck?
Misty: You don't know Nut Physics? Yea I can tell you aren't a snagger.

by yetsgooo April 3, 2022