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She's like a force of calming energy, she's pretty, smart, emotionally available but leaves when things start to get to serious, she's like a person you'd read about in books, she's meant to be written about, the way she laughs and the dimple on her left cheek pops, the way her eyes crinkle and become small when someone affectionate towards her. She's always and when i say always i mean it, well put together, her hair always look perfect, her laugh is like a fresh breath of air after you swim underwater, its refreshing, its pure, its beautiful. she's kind, charismatic, daring, scared, and quiet. for as long as i can remember, she's been quiet, at least at first, the moment this girl's comfortable with you, you're about to experience endless amount of joys, she's gonna make fatherless jokes, call herself flat, laugh uncontrollably on the floor, make double meaning jokes, get slightly tipsy, cry when she's had too much vodka and always be there to constantly remind you that you're loved and cared for and that every little thing you say and feel and see and touch is significant. it's easy to fall in love with her, its hard to hate her, because you insult her and she responds with a smile or "hehe", cause damn this woman right here can take a joke.

sharanya i hope you die in a bin

by younknowhoiamxoxo60600524 May 5, 2022

16👍 2👎


her dark brown/black hair are always worn wildly, they look perfect that way, she's genuine, if she hates someone, its all the way. she works on extremes like that, my point with this entire paragraph is that, I'm in love with her, It took some time for me to realize that, but she's an easy woman to love, she's got humour, she's got personality, her brownies make me cum, and her giggle makes me want to hug her and play with her hair, if she's even 10% of the way i described her with you, don't mess it up, let her open up more, watch how she smiles when a joji song comes up, look at the slightly shy smile that takes place when she listens to the playlists made for her, see how she spams the most vulgar lyrics with her friends online when irl she can't say a word to you and hides. she has magic hands btw, this one day she massaged my shoulder blades and boy the way the pain went?!?. the physical affection provided by her can make the most unloved man on earth feel important, that's just the way she is. i hope she never searches her name and reads this because it'll be very easy for her to figure out who wrote it, and then im fucked for life.


by younknowhoiamxoxo60600524 May 5, 2022

11👍 2👎


she gives endless chances, which pisses me off, but like i said, shes sharanya, she'll tell you she loves you, and when she does, you might think she's throwing it around lightly, but in my case, the first time she said it, she sealed it like a promise and she's never broken it. you don't even have to say it back, she doesn't care, cause she loves freely, i don't know, whatever it is, some people she's been herself to were unworthy. ALSO THIS BITCH HAS INSANE ATTACHMENT ISSUES, but it's okay.

AAAAAAAAAAAAA (sharanya moment btw)

by younknowhoiamxoxo60600524 May 5, 2022

8👍 2👎