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Ed Orgeron

The biggest fucking joke in Ole Miss football history. Hired on to Ole Miss after they fired a great coach, David Cutcliffe, he took the Rebels on a trip down loser lane. He recruited great players and couldn't do shit with any of them. He now gets into bar fights in Baton Rouge and has sex with multiple prostitutes while masturbating to pictures of better college coaches. His impact on Ole Miss football was grave in that the coach that replaced him, Houston Nutt, had an array of talent to work with. But once that talent ran out, the Orgeron draft picks showed Nutt's true color. Nutt and Orgeron are soon to be best drinking buddies. Cheers

Preppy Ole Miss Ass Clown: Ed Orgeron sucks my ass! Houston Nutt is the greatest coach who has ever lived!

Dillon: Yeah says the team thats 4-8 two years after Orgeron left. Hmmmmm.....

by yourmomlovesmyjohnson09 December 6, 2010

18πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Holy Fucking Ass Crackers

A statement that's made when something is intensely shocking that no other phrase can satisfy the gravity of the situation appropriately.

Jim: Holy Fucking Ass Crackers that dude just totally broke his hand using a shake weight!

Bob: That's what he gets for using a fucking shake weight.

by yourmomlovesmyjohnson09 November 30, 2010

8πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


Its virtually the same insult as just saying "Eat a Dick" but there is a different inflection on "Eat" and "Dick". Its said in a way that you hear "EAT" the loudest followed by "a" in a softer, calmer tone then you pause for a millisecond and with your last breath say "DICK" as loud as your last breath can stand.

Dillon: Fuck Ole Miss

Eric: EAT a DICK!

by yourmomlovesmyjohnson09 December 3, 2010

8πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Rusty Saxophone

Rusty Saxophone is similar to a Rusty Trombone, except there is anal fellatio and fingering with no reach around, whilst giving the male excruciating blue balls due to the non pleasure of the genitalia.

Your mom is terrible at the Rusty Trombone! She gave me something I had to add to Urban Dictionary! I call it a Rusty Saxophone. My balls hurt so fucking bad.

by yourmomlovesmyjohnson09 December 6, 2010

5πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


Government. Also can be used to described management or any chaotic situation involving many people. AKA "clusters".

The United States Government is a clusterfuck.

by yourmomlovesmyjohnson09 December 14, 2010

6πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Rusty Cello

It is the same as the Rusty Violin, except the user is of larger stature.

Your mom's fatass gave herself a rusty cello. How does it feel knowing what I do to your mother when you are not around?

by yourmomlovesmyjohnson09 December 6, 2010

3πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Blowed Up

This means not only to be stoned or drunk or pilled up, its a combination of one or another. This usually means to smoke weed until your mind is fucking warped and when that happens you cool yourself off with a 12 pack of beer, thusly completing the "blowed up" process. Practice this method with your friends and see what kind of interesting combinations you can come up with.

Gary: Dude I'm at Jr's gettin' blowed up. 6 percodan, 8 beers, and 4 bowls. Still standin' tall. BERNT. Don't talk shit about total!

Dillon: I'll be there in 5 minutes

by yourmomlovesmyjohnson09 December 6, 2010

4πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž