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Weald of Kent Grammar School

We do Ket is a nunnery school for bent retards who suck cock and do crack in the loos. If you get a whiff of fanny you know a wealdo is close by so start running unless you wanna catch chlamydia. If you go to weald it is likely you were drop kicked as a baby and u are definitely clapped but u do charge 2p or some haribos for a blowjob behind lidl. Normally can find one fingering herself in the maths block or shagging a Year 7.

Is that girl special needs?
Yes she goes to Weald of Kent Grammar School

by yourmumscrotum April 3, 2020

27👍 3👎

Trinity School

Bunch of wankers who think they are hard but are 4ft6 and suck off their nans. All the girls are more orange than a traffic cone and are fridgid twats. If u smell weed start running unless you wanna catch chlamydia from a clapped Year 10.

Do you go to Trinity School?
You must be on the offenders register then

by yourmumscrotum April 2, 2020

31👍 6👎