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An overly tall and emotional person. The type of person to draw in class and eat a damn feast in the back of the room. Anyone with this name also hails the motherland, whether she admits it or not.

Person 1: Who is that
Person 2: Ah yes that is Victoria Ukrenaesthot the eighteenth, sobbing whilst shoving popcorn into her mouth yet again.

by yourrealname69420 December 19, 2019

1👍 1👎


The name Katelin, except it’s spelled wrong. People with this peculiar name tend to be extremely short, and get salty over the littlest things. This is probably also the type of person who will cry her eyes out after getting a B+ on a math test.

Person 1: Hello, my name is Kateline.
Person 2: Yo, wtf did your mom make a mistake on your birth certificate or what?
Person 1: fuck off mate I’m gonna fucking stab you with my sharp dick

by yourrealname69420 December 18, 2019