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Dover, MA

Dover MA is an extremely small town with a population of about 6000. It is prominently white; the percentage of white people in Dover is over 95%. Dover is one of the most expensive places to live in MA, if not in the country. The average price of houses sold in 2007 is over 1.1 million. Although many people say that this is a nice, small town with liberal, accepting people; this couldn't be any further from the truth. Dover is filled with an overwhelming number of Republican preps who have more money than they know what to do with. Dover-Sherborn Regional High School is also filled with many Republican preps. Not that all people whom are preppy and Republican are bad, but at Dover-Sherborn this is the case 9 times out of 10. There is a certain image to fit, and if you don't fit it you're life is going to be filled with torment at DS. Although there is not much physical violence, the amount of talking behind others backs is immense. Many say that people at DS buy a lot of drugs when really they wouldn't know good headies from okay middies if they saw them. The drug culture at DS is a joke. Kids pay for over-priced, low quality drugs and think that they're all that. Many of them are afraid to go into the city and afraid of blacks, because of what little exposure they've had to life outside of DS. The schools may be very good academically, but that's what private (liberal) schools are for. Not to mention Dover is in the middle of NO WHERE.

Non Dover Resident, "Hey, where do you live?"
Dover Resident, "Dover, MA
Non Dover Resident, "Man, I'm sorry. You can stay here whenever you'd like"

Non Dover Resident, "So, where are you from?"
Dover Resident, "Dover"
Non Dover Resident, "Where?"
Dover Resident, "East Bum Fxck"

Kid from other High School, "So how are the sports at Dover-Sherborn?"
Dover-Sherborn Kid, "They suck, but people are really good at making others feel unwelcome and excluded"
Kid from other High School, "Damn. Bet you can't wait to graduate."

by youthinkyou'resoclever August 18, 2010

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