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Chezka is a unique name for a girl. The closest they can get to having a name-twin is a Cheska.

If you know a Chezka, her top priorities are her friends and family. She would do anything to make you laugh or smile when you're feeling down. She's always there for you when you need her the most. She tries her best to keep you in her life, and if you leave her, she'll forever wonder why she wasn't good enough.

She consistently tries to keep her grades or job stable, while still enjoying her time. When you first meet her, she seems a little shy. Once you get to know her, she'll trust you enough to see her outgoing side, and not judge her.

Most Chezka's like sports. They don't have to be in a team, but she enjoys sports with friends the most. She is mostly cooperative and speaks to her group as a leader, and has good sportsmanship.

Chezka takes her time on looking nice, especially if she has a crush. She will lowkey flirt with whoever it may be, but won't realize it until her friends mention it to her. Although, she denies that she does, because she's oblivious to everything else around her whenever talking to her crush.

"Hey Chezka, do you wanna go to the mall with us today?"
"Of course! I love hanging out with you guys."

by youthirstygirl March 17, 2019

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