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Spam account

A spam account, sometimes referred to as a “sass account”, is an Instagram account with thousands of posts. Most users post daily and multiple times a day. Everything that goes on the spam is supposed to stay on the spam - illegal substances, nudes, 25 pictures in a row of you crying during a mental breakdown. The community started many years ago, maybe 2011 or so. People like Julia Penton, Jaelle Stiles, Ren, etc were some of the OG spam accounts; they have a big following base because their lives are absolutely insane half the time. Spams are different from Finstas. Spam = community of strangers. Finsta = Jeremy down the block who rides your bus.

Girl 1: Hey, I saw you having a mental breakdown on your spam account last night.

Girl 2: Yeah, that’s pretty common with me.

by yowhattheheckdude March 12, 2018

44👍 10👎