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Ravin is a rather interesting boy; he's usually really nice but he's always a perkele and a bastardo. Some may refer to him as a "rat."

Ravin stop being unholy
Ew why is Ravin the rat here

by yugochan July 9, 2018


A religion that worships the violinist, Karel Holas. April 18 is the Karelist equivalent to Christmas, it is also known as Mom Karel Day.

I support Karelism.
Do you see that person over there? He is a Karelist.
Praise Mom Karel! :D

by yugochan July 10, 2018

2👍 5👎


Weird girl who tries to fit in but fails miserably. Says "Kosovo is Serbia" a lot. Possibly a Serbian Nationalist.

Ana is a perkele.
Ew look it's Ana.

by yugochan May 6, 2018

3👍 8👎