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A set of pronouns that gender-non conforming (non-binary, transgender, etc) people may use. The two pronouns may be used interchangeably, or they may have a preferred one.

In this case, they prefer the pronouns they/them but do not hate the pronouns she/her.

They/she has a great taste in food. I love their/her cooking!
They look lovely today, I love their hair!
She has a very great sense of style.
She looks nice today, I love their hat!

by yummypubes October 12, 2020

231👍 101👎


A set of pronouns that gender-non conforming (non-binary, transgender, etc) people may use. The two pronouns may be used interchangeably, or they may have a preferred one.

In this case, they prefer the pronouns she/her but do not hate the pronouns they/them.

The opposite of this is they/she!

She/they gave me her/their spotify playlist! She/they has/have an amazing taste in music!
I love her art. She draws very well!
They chose just the right colors, their taste in art is amazing!
Her cat is named "Cookie", they must love cookies!

by yummypubes October 12, 2020

2966👍 1035👎