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the most annoying girl who will call herself fat when SHES CLEARLY NOT. she is funny and has a pet rat. she is ceo of doing hair wraps and playing the ukulele. she had one meal a day and is starving at 3 am. she lives in the woods and has frogs in her pool. is attractived to boys that look like dolphins.

friend 1: hey did you see alyssa’s story?
friend 2: which one she won’t stop posting.

by yumycumjuic3 June 8, 2020

1👍 3👎


definition of a chonk king. he makes weird jokes, laughs at everything, and calls ur mom senorita. listens to nothing but lil uzi. will ft u at random times to play roblox, is gay for alex, and lives in the woods. ceo of getting his phone taken away at 11 o’clock every night and not hanging out with his friends.

friend 1: what’s that big banging noise?
friend 2: oh that’s just tyler walking.

by yumycumjuic3 June 8, 2020

1👍 1👎