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la sial

Hokkien word that is used in Singapore. La means obviously. Sial means idiot.

"Is that your phone?"
"ofc la sial"

Im not Mary la sial

by yusfjshdvkjasdiuehawiu February 3, 2018

1👍 6👎


short for instagram

"I just downloaded ig, follow me!"

by yusfjshdvkjasdiuehawiu February 3, 2018

2👍 3👎


to call someone who states the obvious or states something stupid.

"That's an iPhone X in the dustbin!"
"Bruh, that's just the box."

by yusfjshdvkjasdiuehawiu February 3, 2018


thank you in hokkien

"You suk bro!"
"Kamsia, bitch."

by yusfjshdvkjasdiuehawiu February 3, 2018