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Hypocrisy is a phenomenon in which pragmatism is greater tham nihilism.

Hypocrisy indicates that pragmatism is greater than nihilism; in other words, that function is greater than form.

by zanderfin May 7, 2020


Entropy is the surface area of sound.

Entropy in gravity is assumed to have two dimensions; and thus exists in Tarski-space.

This contrasts with entropy in quantum physics which has four dimensions.

by zanderfin August 25, 2020

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The state of being trapped in form.

The instance of causing an event by attempting to thwart it.

Anachronicity is the opposite of synchronicity.

by zanderfin November 5, 2019


The state of feeling being both sublime and singular.

Apotheosis states that only feeling can be both sublime and singular.

Ie. Feeling is the ultimate juxtaposition.

by zanderfin November 5, 2019


Philosopher who argued that color is not reducible; while the mind can be reduced (into transfinity).

In other words, that color is pre-reduced or reduced-from-the-future.

Goethe argued that science cannot reduce colors. They are transfinite-from-the-future.

by zanderfin July 13, 2020

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The hypothesis that form is not enantiomeric.

Rather, rotation is a meta-enantiomer.

This leads to conclusion that time is its own enantiomer.

Metaformalism states that space is its own enantiomer: yet space can be superimposed on itself.

by zanderfin February 16, 2020


Meta-formalism is a theory-of-everything that states that time is an enantiomer that can be superimposed on itself.

Metaformalism states that time is the only enantiomer that can be superimposed upon itself.

Metaformalism concerns itself with finding the structure of that one enantiomer.

by zanderfin April 30, 2021