Source Code

snow plowing

When someone goes all the way down the ski slope on their snowboard on their heal side, taking the mountain with them.

When Jack found himself amongst an entire slope of moguls he gave up on carving and snow plowed down the mountain.

by zanny May 27, 2004

19πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


The part of a catameran that keeps it afloat on the water. A catameran has two pontoons that are shaped like canoes. They are connected by a platform that the person sailing the boat sits on.

Without pontoons, a catameran would not be able to sail.

by zanny May 27, 2004

15πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


The person who steers a sailboat or is in charge of giving directions to the other people on the boat.

The skipper looked quite pleased as he directed his boat across the lake.

by zanny May 26, 2004

290πŸ‘ 132πŸ‘Ž


A term used to describe how a person dances.

Everyone in the club was groovin' to the music.

by zanny May 25, 2004

93πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


When someone is really happy or excited about something.

When Billy got a shiny new bike for Christmas, he was stoked.

by zanny May 25, 2004

1109πŸ‘ 663πŸ‘Ž

Tree Nine

A legendary tree at UC Santa Cruz located above College Nine. The story goes something like this: There once was a young girl who had just turned nine years old. On her ninth birthday she took a walk in the woods that today lie at the top of the UCSC campus. Along her way she found an enormous pine tree that reached high above all the other trees around it. She was fascinated by the spiraling formation of the branches as her gaze moved up to the tippy top of the tree. Being the adventurous girl that she was, she decided to climb to the top. She got all the way to the top and was amazed at the beautiful sight. She could see all the way across the bay to Monteray. As this girl, on her ninth birthday, was descending Tree Nine, her foot took a fatal slip and she fell all the way to the bottom, hitting nine branches along the way. The impact of this great fall killed her, and it is said to this day that if one goes to Tree Nine, they can sometimes see her hiding in the spiraling branches.

If you believe in ghost stories, don't climb Tree Nine!

by zanny May 27, 2004

12πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž


Contrary to what you might think, there actually is an origin to this clothing company's name. A billabong is an Australian name for a dead-end channel, or a stagnant pool.

I went swimming in the billabong today mate.

by zanny May 28, 2004

428πŸ‘ 109πŸ‘Ž