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A disease that affects a wide number of sophomores. Most common causes include their first Honors and AP classes, often including AP Biology and/or AP World History. Symptoms include increased complaining about arbitrary things like B's in English Honors, sleeping at 2 AM, poorer study habits, and increased social awareness--including the fact they "may be single for the rest of their life." It is not life-threatening and pales in comparison to Senioritis; however, people experiencing sophomoritis may be prone to extreme mood swings and bitchiness. Sophomoritis is often the precursor to the more serious Junioritis.

Sophomore: Dude. I have a C+ in AP World History right now. I think I'm going to get a 3.5.

Senior: Calm down. Sophomoritis is nothing; I'm literally failing all my classes and I might get rescinded from college.

by zeke87 May 7, 2013

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