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A person that doesn't believe in medical science,and thus doesnt vaccinate

A:hey why does that kid have 41 Celsius fever?
B:Oh his mother is an anti-vaxxer.
A: should we call the cops for child neglect?
B: we should.

by zenobeno July 26, 2019

5👍 2👎


1.people that put their selfs and their kids in danger

person 1: did you know that karen is an anti-vaxxer person 2: yeah shes putting herself and her children in danger

by zenobeno January 5, 2019

3👍 2👎

anti-irish emite

someone who is rasicst against the irish

person1:jeff is really rasicst against the new irish guy person2:i know he an anti-irish emite

by zenobeno January 3, 2019