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Force job

Force job

1.When a Jedi (hopefully a girl!) stimulates a man's penis with the power of the force until the man ejaculates.

2.What Darth Vader does to Storm Troopers once he turned gay.

3.The most important move a female Padawan should know.

4.The coolest and most stylish way a Jedi can use to jack off.

I got a little piece of heaven last night when i got a force job while driving from my girlfriend who was the backseat of my car.

If Anakin Skywalker got Force jobs he wouldn't turn to the Dark Side.

When her boyfriend gets horny she gives him a force job causing him to hum and moan in ecstasy until he begins to cum everywhere.The force is strong with her.

'The force is strong with this one, ask her to give me a force job at once !' ~ Obi Wan Kenobi to Master Yoda

'Search your feelings young female Jedi, deep down you know you want to give me a force job.'~ Me to a ravishingly sexy female Jedi.

by zingeraddict December 20, 2011

12👍 1👎

Force job

1.When a Jedi (hopefully a girl!) stimulates a man's penis with the power of the force until the man ejaculates.

2.What Darth Vader does to Storm Troopers once he turned gay.

3.The most important move a female Padawan should know.

4.The coolest and most stylish way a Jedi can use to jack off.

I got a little piece of heaven last night when i got a force job while driving from my girlfriend who was the backseat of my car.

If Anakin Skywalker got Force jobs he wouldn't turn to the Dark Side.

When her boyfriend gets horny she gives him a force job causing him to hum and moan in ecstasy until he begins to cum everywhere.The force is strong with her.

'The force is strong with this one, ask her to give me a force job at once !' ~ Obi Wan Kenobi to Master Yoda

'Search your feelings young female Jedi, deep down you know you want to give me a force job.'~ Me to a sexy female Jedi

by zingeraddict December 4, 2011

2👍 6👎


1.Exceptional valor, bravery, or ability in sexual intercourse.

2.Exceptional or superior ability, skill, or strength to fuck.

3.An epic fucking ability

Mate,his sexprowess directs women to him like a magnet.His skills surpass even the most experienced porn stars.

by zingeraddict September 27, 2011

11👍 2👎


1.Exceptional valor, bravery, or ability in sexual intercourse.

2.Exceptional or superior ability, skill, or strength to fuck.

3.An epic fucking ability.

Mate,his sexprowess directs women to him like a magnet.His skills surpass even the most experienced porn stars.

by zingeraddict May 27, 2011


1.A cooler way of saying asshole .Best when pronounced with a greek accent.

2.a person who, eloquently speaking, is such a complete and utterly disgrace to mankind.

3.A person who by ignorance or stupidity takes up unnecessary amounts of your time.

4.One hell of a stupid fucker ,an ugly dumbass prick.

Messenger : We would like you to surrender Sparta to Persia please.

King Leonidas : Assholius !!! This is Spartaaaaaaa !!! *Kicks the fool into a bottomless pit*

by zingeraddict May 27, 2011


1. A cooler way of saying asshole .Best when pronounced with a greek accent.

2. A person who, eloquently speaking, is such a complete and utterly disgrace to mankind.

3. A person who by ignorance or stupidity takes up unnecessary amounts of your time.

4. One hell of a stupid fucker ,an ugly dumbass prick.

Messenger : We would like you to surrender Sparta to Persia please.

King Leonidas : Assholius !!! This is Spartaaaaaaa !!! *Kicks the fool into a bottomless pit*

by zingeraddict September 27, 2011

13👍 8👎

Lazy hole

1.When a girl is so loving and horny turns into a bitch who refuses to have sex or even gives you blow jobs she becomes a lazy hole.

2.When your girl won't have sex with you.

Husband :Dude,my college sweetheart who i loved so much and couldn't get her hands off me turned into this sensitive,self absorbed workaholic who doesn't even spend passionate nights in bed with me anymore.

Guy:That is why i didn't get married.First you get that disease called one gina.You might get stuck with it for the rest of your life and then when it is about to fuck you up it evolves to a lazy hole.Yeah, you chose one giana and now your wife is a lazy hole

Husband :



..................../..../ /





..........''...\.......... _.·´



by zingeraddict September 29, 2011